Electrical Failure.

swabby jn

New Member
4200 Parkshore Dr
Just purchased a used 1992 535i 5 speed- seemed to run great had the valves adj oil changed & tune up - with no major error codes that I could see, however the car battery seemed to have failed so I replacd it The interior lights , radio, heater blower etc all seem to have power, but not the exterior lights. Does anyone have some insight as to where the failure might be. At this point the car does does not crank over or show any response whatsoever.
It sounds like the starter will not turn either?

I am not familiar with the wiring layout on your car so these are just some very general tips:

1. Check the main hot and ground connections - at the battery, frame, starter, etc. If you have a weak connection or cable, sometimes they will pass small amounts of current like you describe (radio, interior lights), but when you try to draw high current (headlights, starter) the connection heats and builds resistance and you get insufficent current.

Some cars have two cables coming off the hot and/or ground. They sometimes isolate the starter load from the accessory load. If the starter circuit cable failed, it would act this way.

2. Did you check fuses? It would seem odd that TWO fuses blew at the same time (headlights and starter circuits) but it's possible. It's highly unlikely they are on the same fuse.
