Well here are some things I have done to my car... I have a Video Camera Canon GL1 and a Vetron Video Tripod that have been monuted for the interior of my car. I use the back leg of the tripod on the seat and strap the seat belts from the rear to each opposite side to hatch the back leg. Next I put velcro on the bottom parts of the tripod and my carpet so its is secured to the floor. I also anchor it with cable from the bottom of hte tripod to underneath the seat below. I also have one more thing..... My 330i tends to sound much louder than other 330i out there. My AP Physics teacher haas one with the same packaging I have instead black and his is much quieter than mine... I am not sure why I checked underneath to see if my mufflere was changed... I still have the same exhaust tips but Im not sure if I have a different muffler. I will take a picture tomorrow so you guys can help me out if I have a custom muffler or not. Here are some pics of the interior.
yeah this is what I look like... IM fugly....
Some stickers that I have on my back window... yeah I use MACs... I also have a "Cola War" sticker which was made by my friend in my Video Arts class I have a website if you know where the sticker is all about... the only way you can get em is by me or by the myspace website we have jsut for that sticker.
here is a "still frame" from the video camera when I was driving home from school this afternoon.