hi, Newbie report!

Hi all,

Finally I dare to post here............I am newbie here, from L.A. [wave] I plan to buy a BMW 325i in the coming September as my first BMW, [bmwdance]

Right now I am still doing my research, anyhow I got several questions below:

1. Should I buy the 05' or the 06' model? Actually I prefer the outlook of 05....But 06' is newer and 06' 325i has 3.0 L....

2. In L.A., which dealer (s) is OK (I don't expect good dealers...) to buy it? What' s the latest price on E46, and the options?

3. What's your suggestion on buying new BMW with a L.A. dealer? I never get in touch with them but I heart they are notorious...

Thanks very very much!!

Lincoln, CA
1) Whichever you like. If you can still find an 05, I imagine you'll get a pretty sweet deal on it. The only thing I like about the 06 is the extra power (both have a 3.0L). It's a personal preference though. If you get teh 06, you'll be the guinea pig in case there's any bugs in the new model. But, it is the new model and your car won't look as aged in a year or two.

2) Where are you located? Nick Alexander, New Century, Long Beach, and Crevier have good (for BMW anyways) reps. Course, you can run into a bad salesman anywhere.

3) Yes, they're notorious about not giving great deals. If you buy an 06, you won't find a fabulous deal. Getting a deal of any kind can be hard enough since the model is so hot right now. I'd play them off of each other. Maybe get em to all fax you best offers. Or, check discount site like carsdirect.com or fleet pricing from Costco, AAA (the towing people), etc and ask a salesperson to beat that price.
