Hey I am in iraq currently and when we get redeployed to the states I am going to buy a mid to late 90's e36 five speed ( it will be my first BMW). I have been looking on ebay purley for educational purposes ie price ranges,typical problems at different milage. etc etc. I get BMW scene and Bimmer magazines here (thank god or i would go crazy) Well ebay hasnt been a big help as far as figuring out what problems usually occur around what milage. So i guess my first question would be what problems can i expect and what milage, if there is such a thing. Also are there any years you can recomend or would advise as to stay clear. When i was in high school some of my friends had them but from the research i have done i have learned that they didnt know dick. I am looking at spending 15,000, also could you recommend any places i can do more research on the internet. Seeing as how iraq isnt to plentiful in the research department.
Thanks i would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give me
Thanks i would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give me