Manual Transmission

In reguards to driving your vehicle, i'm simply a perfectionist when driving my vehicle. Do either of you have a perference in shoes when driving? I do, silly but i feel comfortable wearing them when i drive.

Real question: Does anyone here downshift? Or do you put the car in nuetral and let it glide to a stop while/or while not leaving the clutch in. I downshift. What i'm looking for is a better way to gain more performance out of my shifts. Any suggestions?

New Jersey
I prefer regular shoes over sneakers. My sneakers are b-ball shoes so they are kind of heavy and thick and don't allow too much feeling to my feet.

Putting the car in neutral and using the brakes to stop is for noobs. I downshift all the time when coming to a stop. Do you heel-and-toe downshift? That will allow for shorter stopping distances. I used to practice it, but I'm very shitty at it so I just stopped. Now if I wanna use my brakes and downshift somewhat at the same time, I push the clutch in, downshift and blip the throttle, and as soon as I blipthe throttle I immediately step on the brake pedal as I am letting the clutch out in the lower gear. This is as opposed to braking AFTER I've let the clutch out....this way seems to save me a lot of time, however I have to make sure that I blip the throttle hard enough because if I mess up, my foot is already on the brake pedal so I can't really "correct" the mistake.

One technique that I've been told by a really great driver, if you need maximum acceleration, when you downshift you can blip the throttle a lot harder than you're supposed to and let the clutch out real fast while applying gas and since you over-revved the car will do like a little "jump" forward for a nice burst of acceleration. I don't use this technique on my car as it obviously burns the clutch just a little bit, but I'd imagine that on a racetrack or something it would be more useful. The technique is not to be used all the time, just like on a downshift on a straight-away....if you tried doing a downshift like this at the entrance of a turn it could totally mess you up.
central PA
First of all I wear piloti driving shoes, and i love them. You can pick a pair up at Bliping the throttle is just giving it a quick poke to rev the engine while the clutch is in. I usually heal-toe down shift when I'm driving hard, but i don't recommend it for normal street driving. To heal-toe first push the clutch in, then position your foot on the brake pedal so when its pressed down you can roll you foot and blip the throttle while the brake is still pressed down (BE CAREFUL NOT TO LET YOUR FOOT SILP FROM THE BRAKE!!!), lastly shift into gear and let the clutch out. All this must be done fairly quickly. It also takes practice, and you will grind a few gears. I find the piloti shoes make it easier to keep a foot on the brake while bliping the throttle.
