Urgent help needed - Pinstrip and Door guard


New Member
Hi all,

Need some urgent helps here.. I'm picking up my new 325CI today, and the dealer wanted me to take the pinestrip and door edge guard, as the car was in the showroom, and those things have been installed on the car.

They asked for $1,000 (Canadian), and now dropped the price to $200. I'm wondering the following...

1) I feel that even $200 is too much. How much do they actually worth?

2) Is a pinestrip and door edge guard actually good for the car? I heard you leave mark to the paint with the pinestrip, as the part covered by it will fade differently.

3) As of the guard, it actually goes from the fender/wheel, and all the door... Does it really offer any protection? Or, it will cause more damage to the car, as it traps water, etc, and will cost the car to rust? The guard doesn't look bad, when it's brand new... I also wonder how it will look, as it gets older....

Should I insist them to take them off? Or, if they throw them in for free, should i take them??

Please help.....

Atlanta, GA
Dunno about the door guard, that's your call. The pinstripe is absolutely worthless, the car already has great lines, and doesn't need cheesy pinstriping to do it (I ripped mine off the day I got my car..). BUT that's just my personal opinions about it. The pinstripe was on there for 3 years before I got the car, and theres no color difference from where the pinstripe was, compared to the rest of the car. It came off in about 5-10 minutes, so if you get it and decide you don't like it, well it's only a few minutes work to correct.

Trying to charge you for pinstripes and a door guard is silly, tell them you want it for free, or take it the heck out. (I'm sure you'll get it free..)
